
Meta-Analysis Defines Congestive Heart Failure Risk With Sunitinib

Meta-Analysis Defines Congestive Heart Failure Risk With Sunitinib

....The relative risks of any CHF and high-grade CHF with sunitinib compared with placebo were statistically significant, at 1.81 and 3.30, respectively....

....Sunitinib also increases the risk of hypertension, in line with other VEGF inhibitors, such as sorafenib and bevacizumab. As hypertension is a well known risk factor for CHF, it's possible that sunitinib use increased CHF through this mechanism, the investigators note.
Summing up, Dr. Choueiri and colleagues say clinicians need to be aware of the risk of CHF with sunitinib treatment to provide early intervention and balance therapeutic benefit with this potentially life-threatening adverse effect....

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