
No Screening for Bladder Cancer: Insufficient Evidence

No Screening for Bladder Cancer: Insufficient Evidence

...More than 90% of all cases of bladder cancer are classified as transitional-cell carcinomas, and most of these present as superficial tumors. "Some of these tumors may never progress to advanced disease," the task force points out.

However, many of these superficial tumors (50% to 70%) will recur after treatment, and about 10% to 20% progress to the invasive stage.
At the time of diagnosis, about 25% of all cases of bladder cancers and 20% to 40% of all invasive tumors have already metastasized to the lymph nodes at the time of diagnosis. "Invasive bladder cancer is associated with a poor prognosis," the authors add, because "treatment has limited efficacy in these cases."---

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