
Merkel Cell Carcinoma Prognosis Linked to Vitamin D - OncologySTAT

English: Merkel cell carcinoma in 94-year-old ...
English: Merkel cell carcinoma in 94-year-old woman. Deutsch: Merkelzellkarzinom der Ohrmuschel bei 94jähriger Patientin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Merkel Cell Carcinoma Prognosis Linked to Vitamin D - OncologySTAT

Add Merkel cell carcinoma to the seemingly ever-growing list of malignancies linked to vitamin D deficiency.
A multicenter French study involving 89 patients with histologically confirmed Merkel cell carcinoma indicates that individuals with this rare and often aggressive neuroendocrine skin malignancy have an increased prevalence of vitamin D deficiency. Moreover, the vitamin D-deficient subgroup had a greater mean tumor size at diagnosis and sharply worse outcomes, Dr. Mahtab Samimi reported at the annual congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology....

Kožní karcinom z Merkelových buněk (eonkologie)

Krejčí K., Zadražil J., Tichý T., Horák P., Ciferská H., Hodulová M., Zezulová M., Zlevorová M.

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